bulb n. 1.【植物;植物学】球根;鳞茎。 2.球状物;(寒暑表的)水银球;灯泡;烧瓶;真空管;测温包。 3.【解剖学】球;〔pl.〕扁桃腺。 4.(照相机的)快门。 5.(汽车的)圆顶车壳;【航海】球形船首。 a lily bulb 百合根。 an electric bulb 电灯泡。 the bulb of a hair 毛球,发根。 the bulb of the eye 眼球。 the bulb of the spinal cord 【解剖学】延髓。 vi. 1.生球茎。 2.肿[涨]成球,形成球状。 adj. -ed 1.有鳞[球]茎的。 2.鳞[球]茎形,圆形的。
electric adj. 1.电的;带电的;起电的,导电的,发电的,电动的。 2.令人激动的,紧张的,惊人的。 3.〔美口〕(乐曲的)用电吉他演奏的。 electric eloqu-ence 惊人的口才。 electric performance 惊人的表演。 an electric atmosphere 紧张的气氛。 n. 〔口语〕 1.带电物体。 2.电动车辆。
A bright electric bulb glowed above our heads . 通亮的灯泡在我们头上闪闪发光。
Electric bulb and socket, with a pair of prods are used for testing for element shorts and defects . 用电灯、插座和一对探针来检查各部的短路和故障。
Do you know who is the creator of the electric bulb 你知道谁是电灯的发明者?
Do you know who is the creator of the electric bulb 你知道谁是电灯的发明者?
Electric bulbs for cycles and motor cycles 自行车和摩托车用灯泡
Edison invented the electric bulb 爱迪生发明了电灯泡。
I disliked the dim light , and on the second day fixed , at my own expense , a more powerful electric bulb 我不喜欢那暗淡的光线,第二天便自己掏钱买了一只瓦数高一些的电灯泡。
A former mail room supervisor of an accountancy firm was sent to jail for one year for accepting 76 , 000 in illegal rebates from an electric bulb supplier and deceiving 35 , 000 from the accountancy firm 一名会计师行前邮务室主任,因收受灯泡供应商七万六千元非法回佣及诈骗会计师行三万五千元,被判入狱一年。
The engineer , who occupied the adjoining room , dropped in to meet the new hand and helped martin rig up an electric bulb , on an extension wire , so that it travelled along a stretched cord from over the table to the bed 住在隔壁房的技师过来跟新手马丁见了面,并帮他安了一盏电灯。安在接出来的电线上,又牵了一根绳,使灯泡可以在桌子和床的上方来回移动。